The work of Rene Cailliet, MD
forms the backbone of Structural Therapy.
Rene Cailliet, MD
Author on pain and
musculoskeletal systems
“Regaining good posture should be a primary objective of anyone who wants to reverse the effects of aging — functionally as well as cosmetically.”
— Rene Cailliet
Rene Cailliet, MD, is known world-wide for his books on whiplash, musculoskeletal system, mechanisms and management of pain, knee pain, shoulder pain, neck and arm pain, soft tissue pain, and low back syndrome.
His research and experiences in the realm of pain and musculoskeletal systems convinced him that having and maintaining good posture was a significant factor in staying as youthful as possible.
He said that poor posture leads to “adaptive shortening” of muscles and connective tissues which causes progressive degeneration of posture over time. But that this degeneration can be can be modified, altered, and reversed.
According to Dr. Cailliet, poor posture produces these four functional losses:
Vital Capacity (breathing, oxygen distribution, circulation).
Proper Function (digestion, other organ functions).
Range of Motion (reaching, rotating the head, twisting at the waist, bending over).
Increase in pain (discomfort).
Our excessive use of cell phones is causing long-term structural problems for Americans.
Rene Cailliet, MD, was the former director of physical medicine and rehabilitation at Santa Monica Hospital, professor of medicine at the University of Southern California School of Medicine, and one of the founding partners of the Southern California Permanente Medical Group. Cailliet practiced in the Departments of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at the Kaiser Permanente Los Angeles and West Los Angeles Medical Centers.